Dinotopia movie 2005
Dinotopia movie 2005

This droves his fellow followers to turn on him. However, though he originally wanted to produce the machines thanks to his bestowed knowledge to revolutionize Dinotopia (which he also despised due to being primitive), his newfound power drove him insane and megalomaniacal, and ended up change the machine into warfares. The Ruby bestowed him immortality and knowledge that enable him to reconstructing strutters. That's until he uncovered the dark variant of the sunstone called Ruby Sunstone. He eventually decided to live within the World Beneath, a vast network of caverns beneath the Dinotopia where his would-be lair located below a volcano. When he arrived there, he despised the island's civilazation due to him deemed primitive. In the past, Ogthar, who used to be a captain of a ship, stranded onto island of Dinotopia due to the storm (similar with how protagonists of original Dinotopia book series arrived in Dinotopia).

Dinotopia movie 2005